How To Plant A VBC

Don’t Have A VBC In Your Area?

God tells us in His Word, the Bible, to multiply, replentish, and subdue this world.  We do this, specifically, by carrying His Love and Gospel message of the Kingdom of God everywhere we go.  Genesis 1:28 says “God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it...”(HCSB)  and that initial command is still in force today.  We do this by doing what Jesus said in Mark 16:15 “Then He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” (HCSB).

God is a mulitplier and not a divider…  it’s not His intention for us, His Children, to just fill a seat on Sunday and Wedsnesday but to multiply as individuals and as the church.  We’re to be spirtual mothers and fathers!  To build up each other in Love and to provide opportunites for everyone to work in their God given gifts and callings.

The same goes for Victory Biker Church we are ready to multiply by planting Victory Biker Churches all over the USA and world and we cannot do it alone.   We need called men and women to start and lead these new Victory Biker Churches.

So, If you don’t have a Victory Biker Church in your area and feel the Holy Spirit speaking to you about starting one.  PRAY and then Read these articles below about starting a new Victory Biker Church.  If you are still jazzed up about starting a new VBC please contact:  Apostle Brian “BMAN” McKay, the International President and Founder of Victory Biker Church, at or call the church number at 810-271-0002 for more information.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration as we work together to fill the Kingdom of God with Bikers.

Much Love & Respect,

Apostle BMAN

Are You Called By God To Be A Biker Pastor But Don’t Know Where To Start?

Do you already have a biker church but are struggling with no support, no accountability, and need help? Victory Biker Church International is here to help fulfill the call!!

Victory Biker Church is a non-denominational church of bikers for bikers. It’s a church but is run more like a bike club than a traditional church.

In 2006 Apostle Brian “BMAN” McKay, Founder/International President was called by God, to be a biker pastor and to start Victory Biker Church which he did in January 2010 which is seeing exceptional growth and is ready to reproduce. Fulfilling his further calling to plant Victory Biker Churches across the country and around the world – As God leads and opens the doors.

The vision basically is, wherever there is a biker community there is to be a Victory Biker Church. For instance – Victory Biker Church of Daytona Beach, Victory Biker Church of LA, Victory Biker Church of Sioux Falls, Victory Biker Church of Phoenix, and so on… Catchin’ the vision?

There’s so much more to talk about so if this has spoken to you… contact Apostle BMAN!

We’ll supply you with –

  1. Oversight
  2. Church Startup Guidance
  3. Specific Bylaws for the New Victory Biker Church
  4. Articles of Incorporation
  5. Demographic information for your area
  6. Licensing and Ordination
  7. Training and Mentorship for Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers
  8. Accountability
  9. Victory Biker Church back patch – Membership is required
  10. Help with location-specific T-shirt Designs
  11. Advertising/Marketing help and designs
  12. Website Design and setup
  13. Church Management Software

For more information please contact Apostle Brian “BMAN” McKay directly email

How To Start A Victory Biker Church In Your Area

When thinking about planting VBC churches our desire is to help develop healthy 5 Fold Church Leaders (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers) who accept a calling to produce healthy and successful Church plants in the Biker community across the State, throughout the Nation, and the world, Churches that will introduce people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, provide effective discipleship where those individuals can grow and mature in their faith; the results of which produces a body of believers with significant influence and impact in their community for the Kingdom of God.

When it comes to Victory Biker Church, we really believe it is a move of God – calling all men to Himself through Jesus Christ. In order to accomplish the original vision of starting the first VBC in an old barn that we’ve converted into our ‘clubhouse’. God brought together many partners: Ministry groups, churches, biker ministries, and individuals. All contributing to the success of the original church plant. In order to carry that original model church all across the country, we have incorporated the same partnership principles as first used. As we’re a Non-Denominational church we have been developing a network of partners with local churches of like faith, surrounding Christian motorcycle ministries, involvement in the MCOC (Michigan Confederation of Clubs), NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists), Christian Unity and individuals who share in the passion and carry the burden of reaching and discipling bikers by planting multiple VBC churches where ever God provides and opens the door.

Each Victory Biker Church within the network will be a self-governing church body that is able to make decisions and act on them as a free and independent moral agent; existing, reacting, or developing as an independent, self-regulating organism; acting as an independent group; while at the same time serving as a representative, or ambassador. Representing and supporting the Vision, Mission, and Core Values of Victory Biker Church and the model it has produced.

Our Church Planting Process

There is a Process which must take place before a Victory Biker Church is launched in any location. Our goal at VBC is to honor and glorify God by leading in the planting of healthy Biker Churches across the country which will reach out to non-church-going motorcyclists of all kinds with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ by first living it ourselves and using words when necessary.

A healthy church plant begins with a healthy church planter and a solid leadership team. As you check us out, remember that Victory Biker Church is a family and brotherhood. This ministry represents a place of belonging for those who come. We have worked hard to create a church culture that is not religious but built on the relationship that God created through Jesus Christ and is relevant to the motorcycle community. Victory Biker Churches across the country represents, and in many ways, are the keepers of this culture, and the heart and soul of a unique base of men, women, and families everywhere with two common loves that bring them together… a passion for a real relationship with God, and Riding Victoriously.

For more information about the process of starting a Victory Biker Church International, or to learn more about this ministry give us a call at 810-271-0002, or email us at