
Chaplains Corp

The Mission of the Chaplains Corp can be summed up in the lyrics of an old Doobie Brothers song “Taking it to the streets”. The mission is two-fold:

  1. To provide spiritual comfort, care, and support of those who are in need.
  2. To equip, train and mobilize chaplains into the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The vision: a multi-disciplined, Spirit-empowered, professionally trained chaplain team working together with an entire network of ministry and

community partners (i.e. police, fire & rescue) to bring the transforming power of Jesus Christ by meeting the spiritual needs of people.

Under the leadership of the Victory Biker Church Care Pastor, the Chaplains Corp will be mobilized in teams of two or more chaplains who will visit people in hospitals, convalescence centers, jails, and prisons. The Corp will also be directly involved in street ministry, and outreach ministry as we focus on loving people with the love of God, in Christ Jesus.

Chaplaincy training, ordination, and accountability are provided locally (VBCI) through Great Commission Unity (GCU). For more information about GCU please go to

For more information about the Chaplains Corp or to request assistance please contact Care Pastor Terry Hill at or by calling the church at 810-271-0002.

Chopper Shop Kids Ministry

VBC has a ministry for children of all ages:

Ages: 0 – 3 years old

Ages: 4 – 12 years old

Ages: 13 – 17 years old

Our children’s ministry areas are safe, secure and Christ centered. All of our child care ministers are fully background checked so you can have peace of mind while you worship.

Full Throttle Discipleship

Victory Biker Church believes in making disciples of Jesus Christ.  So we have integrated our discipleship program (Full Throttle Discipleship) into our requirements to wear our backpatch.  However, this class is open to everyone – members and non-members alike.

Read or Download Stage 1 Manual

Read or Download Stage 2 Manual

Read or Download Stage 3 Manual

For more information about the Full Throttle Discipleship classes, please contact the church at 810-271-0002 or email us at

Prayer Warriors Intercessory Team

The Prayer Warriors are the Intercessory Prayer Ministry Team of Victory Biker Church International.  These prayer warriors are the Watchmen on the Wall as described in Isaiah 62:6 which says“Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen on your walls; they will never be silent, day or night.  There is no rest for you, who remind the Lord.” (HCSB)

Our Mission: Is to link up with the Holy Spirit and to allow Him complete access through us, in prayer.  Prayer over our church, communities, cities, states, regions, nation and world – specifical prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel.

Our Commission: is to blanket Victory Biker Church, it’s ministries, members, guest, and visitors; as well as partner ministries in prayer.

Our Vision: To pray the will of God (Romans 12:2) into existence.

Our goals:

  1. To be a prayer covering of Victory Biker Church and its ministries, events and partner ministries
  2. To facilitate the growth of Victory Biker Church and also the growth of the Lords Church, globally, and the establishment of the Kingdom of God, here on earth just as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
  3. To be a safe place to bring prayer requests of all kinds where gossip or gossip lines will be allowed.
  4. To usher in the Lord’s signs, wonders and miracles within the entire body of Christ worldwide
  5. To bring unity to the body of Christ worldwide. (John 17)

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer please call Victory Biker Church at 810-271-0002 or send us an email at Your prayer request will immediately be sent to the prayer warriors as well as the staff of Victory Biker Church for prayer and will be kept confidential.

Road Warriors Men’s Ministry

The Road Warriors is a mens ministry of Victory Biker Church International.

Contact Care Pastor Terry Hill at

Or, call the church at 810-271-0002

Women Of Victory

The Women of Victory is the women’s ministry of the Victory Biker Church International.

Contact Naomi Dee at for more information about Women of Victory.

Or, call the church at: 810-271-0002

School Of Ministry

The Victory Biker Church School of Ministry is here to help people with their spiritual growth. Whether, for basic discipleship classes, advanced biblical studies, or studying for a ministry calling within the church. The VBC School of Ministry is here to provide the Christian student (disciple) with the methods, classes, and tools for growing in their faith and relationship with God.

For More Information About The VBCI School Of Ministry, Click HERE

Veteran’s Ministry

Victory Biker Church honors and supports our Veterans of all campaigns – both active and inactive. If you’re in need of prayer, ministry or just a visit from fellow brother in arms. We are here for you!!!

Please contact the leaders of our Veterans Ministry. Chaplain Denny “COTTONPICKER” Riggs Cell: 989-413-7612 or email:

Victory Over Addictions

Victory over Addictions is a ministry of Victory Biker Church. We believe that the answer to any type of addiction is found in Christ Jesus who gives us complete VICTORY. The truth is that God has already provided the way to freedom for every child of God; “Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 The finished work of Christ has provided Victory for every believer, For we know that our old self was crucified with Him in order that sin’s dominion over the body may be abolished, so that we may no longer be enslaved to sin, since a person who has died is freed from sin’s claims.” Romans 6:6–7

Anyone struggling with any kind of addiction has simply believed a lie as truth. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.John 8:32 When a person knows the truth they will experience true Victory in Christ Jesus. Our goal is to present the truth of God’s clear, complete, and definitive answer for addiction, which is Victory in Christ.

The Bible teaches us very clearly that the finished work of Christ has already provided freedom from not only the penalty of sin but the power of sin. Our belief is that a person who understands who they are and what they have in Christ will not engage in self-destructive addictive behaviors as a lifestyle. In other words, they will live in peace, joy, freedom, and complete victory from addiction.

Living a victorious life is your birthright as a child of God. DON’T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS!

Jesus declared “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed,” Luke 4:18

Meeting Information:

Friday evenings 7 pm at the Victory Biker Church International 12190 Miller Rd Lennon, MI 48429

For more information contact the leaders:

Mike (Heavy) & Nalena (Beans) Oliver at (989) 494-3230

The Overcomer’s Covenant in Christ

1. I place all my trust and confidence in the Lord and I put no confidence in the flesh – I declare myself to be dependent upon God.  I know that I cannot save myself, nor set myself free by my own efforts and resources.  I know that apart from Christ I can do nothing.  I know that all temptation is an attempt to get me to live my life independently from God, but God has provided a way of escape.

2. I consciously and deliberately choose to submit to God and resist the devil by denying myself, picking up my cross daily, and following Jesus.  I know that my soul was not designed by God to function as master.  I know that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and insubordination is an iniquity and idolatry.

3. I choose to humble myself before the mighty hand of God that He may exalt me at the proper time.  I know that God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

4. I declare the truth that I am dead to sin, freed from it, and alive to God in Christ Jesus because I have died with Christ and was raised with Him.  I know that the law and all my best efforts are unable to impart life and that Jesus came to give me life.

5. I gladly embrace the truth that I am now a child of God, who is unconditionally loved and accepted.  I reject the lie that I have to perform to be accepted, and I reject my fallen and natural identity which was derived from the world.  I know that it is not what I do that determines who I am, but who I am that determines what I do.

6. I declare that sin shall no longer be master over me because I am not under the law, but under grace; and there is no more guilt or condemnation because I am spiritually alive in Christ Jesus.  I am a servant of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

7. I renounce every unrighteous rise of my body, and I commit myself to no longer be conformed to this world, but rather to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.  I choose to believe the truth and walk in it, regardless of my feelings or circumstances.   I know that before I came to Christ my mind was programmed according to this world and I used my body as an instrument of unrighteousness thereby allowing sin to reign in my mortal body.

8. I commit myself to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  I choose to think upon that which is true, honorable, right, pure, and lovely.  I know that the Holy Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.

9. I commit myself to God’s great goal for my life to conform to His image.  I know that I will face many trials, but God has given me victory.  I am not a victim, but an overcomer in Christ.  The grace of God will enable me to triumph over every trial resulting in proven character.

10. I choose to adopt the attitude of Christ, which is to do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind I will regard others as more important than myself I will not merely look out for my own personal interests, but also the interest of others.  I know that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

This affirmation above is a grace response to The Finished Work of Christ.